Cama’i! Etaartukut, peklluta, wamluta Sugpiam nunami.
Hello! We live, work, and play on the land of the
Alutiiq/Sugpiag people.
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Sustainable Stewardship Programs
Support ITN’s mission through becoming a sustainable steward! Lasting commitments towards a trail or beach have the opportunity to have signage on site recognizing your efforts and contributions to keeping the area maintained and safe.

Adopt a Trail
You and/or a group you put together, commit to enhancing a trail of your choosing on a regular basis. This can include annual assessments, brushing back the salmon berries, picking up trash/debris, adding gravel or boardwalks where needed, and/or helping raise the capital for more extensive improvements.

Adopt a Beach
You and/or a group you put together, commit to maintaining a local beach or stretch of shoreline on a regular basis. Quarterly maintenance is strongly encouraged to keep your area clean and safe. ITN will provide supplies and logistical support as needed.